"Grassland":- A Short View..

In my opinion Earth is the finest diversed planet in our Solar system. It consists of varieties of flora & fauna. Among them one of the finest diversity is of Grassland.Grassland is an area or biome where there is maximum expansion of grasses. You can't find big tress & shurbs. Grasslands are mainly confined to Tropical and Temperate Zone. If we talk about Tropical zone grasslands, these are stretched to 30 degree North to 30 degree South on the Globe. It is very interesting to know that there are only two continents which fall in these regions.These are South America & Africa.It is now quite easy to remember Tropical grassland's continents. Let's know the Tropical zone Grassland of South America:- Selvas- Amazon Valley, Lanos-Venezuala, campas-Brazil, Savana- Middle east Africa.Now We further move to our Temperte Zone Grassland. It is confined above 30degree North & 30 degree South on the Globe. There are many grasslands in these areas.These are mainly:Pampas-Argentina(South America), Welds-South Africa, Downs-Australia, prairies-Usa & Canada(North America), Manchuria-China, Stapes-Asia & Europe.Grasslands are very productive in agricultural activities & in cattle grazing.


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