Amazon Basin:- The लाइफ line...

If you hear the name Amazon Basin, your mind start thinking about Brazil,river, forest, animal,inhabitants, safari etc.
Let's explore its secrets Amazon overview
Introduction:- Amazon basin is located in the Northern portion of South America. It flows from west to East direction. It originates in the Andes mountains of Peru and falls into the Atlantic ocean. The area of this basin is 7 million sq. km which is about 35.5% of the South America.
Expansion:Ecuador,Columbia,Venezuela,Bolivia,Brazil,Peru,Guyana & Suriname.
Amazon river holds maximum volume of water in the World that's why it is the largest and the 2nd longest river in the World.
Climatic condition:-
The climate of the basin is generally hot & humid.The average annual temperature is around 25 degree to 28 degree Celcius.
Amazon forest:-
You will find here Tropical Rainforest which is the World's largest Tropical Rainforest and it is famed for its biodiversity.
If We talk about the Amazon forest, it is the lifeline not only for local tribes but also for the rest of the world.In reality, it is the lungs of the Earth.
It contains approx.10 million species of animals,plants and insects.You will see Dolphin,Capybara,jaguar,Puma,Monkey,Macaw,Vulture,Owl etc.
The Green Anaconda is found in the Northern part of South America(Amazon).It usually measures about 15-16feet long, ans its weigh is in between 60-150 Pounds.Anaconda spends most of their time near water.
Around 400 tribes live in Amazon. Some of them are still "Uncontacted". They try to live by the rules of nature.Most of the Amazon tribes that live by the rivers are in contact with the rest of the world.  Some tribes never try to come in contact with rest of the world.
The Awa Tribes are considered the most dangerous tribe in the Amazon basin.There are approximately 350 members, and 100 of them have no contact with the outside world. They are considered highly endangered because of conflicts with logging interests in their territory.
Inhabitants engage in Soyabean plantation,harvesting wild rubber latex, Brazil nuts,agriculture, lumbering, ranching etc.
It is also very facinating for Safari. You can see the Zenith of this wonderful biodiversed Amazonia. You will see lots of Flora & Fauna. It will not disappoint you.
The accessiblity of Human is gradually destroying the beauty of this diversed nature's legacy.Cattle ranching is the main cause for deforestation.Amazon is losing its biodiversity due to people's selfishness.Its time to save this beautiful and fascinating world.I hope you will enjoy this short description.


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